Plant of the Month Gallery

Image of Angels Gilia  - Gilia angelensis
Angels Gilia
Gilia angelensis
Native Annual

Image of Annual Coreopsis  - Leptosyne bigelovii
Annual Coreopsis
Leptosyne bigelovii
Endemic Annual

Image of Ashy Leaved Buckwheat  - Eriogonum cinereum
Ashy Leaved Buckwheat
Eriogonum cinereum
Native Shrub

Image of Baby Blue Eyes  - Nemophila menziesii
Baby Blue Eyes
Nemophila menziesii
Native Annual

Image of Basket Brush  - Rhus aromatica
Basket Brush
Rhus aromatica
Native Shrub

Image of Beach Evening Primrose  - Camissoniopsis cheiranthifolia
Beach Evening Primrose
Camissoniopsis cheiranthifolia
Native Perennial
Onagraceae/Evening Primrose

Image of Bee Plant  - Scrophularia californica
Bee Plant
Scrophularia californica
Native Perennial

Image of Big Pod Ceanothus  - Ceanothus megacarpus
Big Pod Ceanothus
Ceanothus megacarpus
Endemic Shrub or Tree

Image of Bigberry Manzanita  - Arctostaphylos glauca
Bigberry Manzanita
Arctostaphylos glauca
Native Shrub

Image of Birds Beak  - Cordylanthus rigidus
Birds Beak
Cordylanthus rigidus
Native Annual

Image of Black Sage  - Salvia mellifera
Black Sage
Salvia mellifera
Native Shrub

Image of Bladderpod  - Peritome arborea
Peritome arborea
Native Shrub
Cleomaceae/Spider Flower

Image of Blue Dicks  - Dipterostemon capitatus
Blue Dicks
Dipterostemon capitatus
Native Perennial

Image of Blue Larkspur  - Delphinium parryi
Blue Larkspur
Delphinium parryi
Native Perennial

Image of Blue-Eyed Grass  - Sisyrinchium bellum
Blue-Eyed Grass
Sisyrinchium bellum
Native Perennial

Image of Brodiaea  - Brodiaea terrestris
Brodiaea terrestris
Native Perennial

Image of Buck Brush  - Ceanothus cuneatus
Buck Brush
Ceanothus cuneatus
Native Shrub or Tree

Image of Bush Mallow  - Malacothamnus fasciculatus
Bush Mallow
Malacothamnus fasciculatus
Native Shrub

Image of Bush Poppy, Tree Poppy  - Dendromecon rigida
Bush Poppy, Tree Poppy
Dendromecon rigida
Native Perennial

Image of Bush Sunflower  - Encelia californica
Bush Sunflower
Encelia californica
Native Perennial

Image of Calabazilla  - Cucurbita foetidissima
Cucurbita foetidissima
Native Perennial Vine

Image of California Aster  - Corethrogyne filaginifolia
California Aster
Corethrogyne filaginifolia
Native Perennial

Image of California Brickellbush  - Brickellia californica
California Brickellbush
Brickellia californica
Native Perennial

Image of California Buckwheat  - Eriogonum fasciculatum
California Buckwheat
Eriogonum fasciculatum
Native Perennial

Image of California Buttercup  - Ranunculus californicus
California Buttercup
Ranunculus californicus
Endemic Perennial

Image of California Coffeeberry  - Frangula californica
California Coffeeberry
Frangula californica
Native Shrub

Image of California Dodder  - Cuscuta californica
California Dodder
Cuscuta californica
Native Annual Vine
Convolvulaceae/Morning Glory

Image of California Everlasting  - Pseudognaphalium californicum
California Everlasting
Pseudognaphalium californicum
Native Perennial

Image of California Fuchsia  - Epilobium canum
California Fuchsia
Epilobium canum
Native Perennial
Onagraceae/Evening Primrose

Image of California Goldenrod  - Solidago velutina
California Goldenrod
Solidago velutina
Native Perennial

Image of California Goldfields  - Lasthenia californica
California Goldfields
Lasthenia californica
Endemic Annual

Image of California Laurel  - Umbellularia californica
California Laurel
Umbellularia californica
Native Shrub or Tree

Image of California Milkweed  - Asclepias californica
California Milkweed
Asclepias californica
Native Perennial

Image of California Plantain  - Plantago erecta
California Plantain
Plantago erecta
Native Annual

Image of California Poppy  - Eschscholzia californica
California Poppy
Eschscholzia californica
Endemic Annual

Image of California Saxifrage  - Micranthes californica
California Saxifrage
Micranthes californica
Endemic Perennial

Image of California Thistle  - Cirsium occidentale v californicum
California Thistle
Cirsium occidentale v californicum
Endemic Perennial

Image of California Walnut  - Juglans californica
California Walnut
Juglans californica
Endemic Shrub or Tree

Image of Canchalagua  - Zeltnera venusta
Zeltnera venusta
Native Annual

Image of Canyon Dodder  - Cuscuta subinclusa
Canyon Dodder
Cuscuta subinclusa
Native Perennial Vine
Convolvulaceae/Morning Glory

Image of Canyon Sunflower  - Venegasia carpesioides
Canyon Sunflower
Venegasia carpesioides
Native Shrub

Image of Castor Bean  - Ricinis communis
Castor Bean
Ricinis communis
Invasive Shrub

Image of Catalina Mariposa Lily  - Calochortus catalinae
Catalina Mariposa Lily
Calochortus catalinae
Endemic Perennial

Image of Ceanothus  - Ceanothus Species
Ceanothus Species
Native Shrub

Image of Chalk Live-Forever  - Dudleya pulverulenta
Chalk Live-Forever
Dudleya pulverulenta
Native Perennial

Image of Chamise  - Adenostoma fasciculatum
Adenostoma fasciculatum
Native Shrub

Image of Chaparral Currant  - Ribes malvaceum
Chaparral Currant
Ribes malvaceum
Native Perennial

Image of Chaparral Honeysuckle  - Lonicera subspicata
Chaparral Honeysuckle
Lonicera subspicata
Endemic Shrub

Image of Checker Bloom  - Sidalcea sparsifolia
Checker Bloom
Sidalcea sparsifolia
Native Perennial

Image of Chia, Golden Chia  - Salvia columbariae
Chia, Golden Chia
Salvia columbariae
Native Annual

Image of Chinese Houses  - Colinsia heterophylla
Chinese Houses
Colinsia heterophylla
Native Annual

Image of Chocolate Lily  - Fritillaria biflora
Chocolate Lily
Fritillaria biflora
Endemic Perennial

Image of Cliff Aster  - Malacothrix saxatilis
Cliff Aster
Malacothrix saxatilis
Native Perennial

Image of Coast Cholla  - Cylindropuntia prolifera
Coast Cholla
Cylindropuntia prolifera
Native Shrub

Image of Coastal Live Oak  - Quercus agrifolia
Coastal Live Oak
Quercus agrifolia
Native Tree

Image of Cobweb Thistle  - Cirsium occidentale
Cobweb Thistle
Cirsium occidentale
Native Perennial

Image of Coffee Fern  - Pellaea andromedifolia
Coffee Fern
Pellaea andromedifolia
Native Perennial

Image of Collarless Poppy  - Eschscholzia caespitosa
Collarless Poppy
Eschscholzia caespitosa
Native Annual

Image of Common Fiddleneck  - Amsinckia intermedia
Common Fiddleneck
Amsinckia intermedia
Native Annual

Image of Common Sunflower  - Helianthus annus
Common Sunflower
Helianthus annus
Native Annual

Image of Common Vervain  - Verbena lasiostachys
Common Vervain
Verbena lasiostachys
Native Perennial

Image of Common Yarrow  - Achillea millefolium
Common Yarrow
Achillea millefolium
Native Perennial

Image of Cottonwood  - Populus fremontii
Populus fremontii
Native Tree

Image of Coyote Brush  - Baccharis pilularis
Coyote Brush
Baccharis pilularis
Native Perennial

Image of Cream Cups  - Platystemon californicus
Cream Cups
Platystemon californicus
Native Annual

Image of Creek Monkey Flower  - Erythranthe guttata
Creek Monkey Flower
Erythranthe guttata
Native Annual

Image of Crimson Pitcher Sage  - Salvia spathacea
Crimson Pitcher Sage
Salvia spathacea
Native Perennial

Image of Datura  - Datura species
Datura species
Native Annual

Image of Deerweed  - Acmispon glaber
Acmispon glaber
Native Perennial

Image of Douglas Nightshade  - Solanum douglasii
Douglas Nightshade
Solanum douglasii
Native Perennial

Image of Downy Monkey Flower  - Erythranthe pilosus
Downy Monkey Flower
Erythranthe pilosus
Native Annual

Image of Eastwood Manzanita  - Arctostaphylos glandulosa
Eastwood Manzanita
Arctostaphylos glandulosa
Native Shrub

Image of Elderberry  - Sambucus nigra subsp. caerulea
Sambucus nigra subsp. caerulea
Native Tree

Image of Elegant Clarkia  - Clarkia unguiculata
Elegant Clarkia
Clarkia unguiculata
Native Annual
Onagraceae/Evening Primrose

Image of Eucrypta  - Eucrypta chrysanthemifolia
Eucrypta chrysanthemifolia
Native Annual

Image of Farewell-to-Spring  - Clarkia bottae
Clarkia bottae
Native Annual
Onagraceae/Evening Primrose

Image of Fern-Leaf Phacelia  - Phacelia distans
Fern-Leaf Phacelia
Phacelia distans
Native Annual

Image of Fiesta Flower  - Pholistoma auritum
Fiesta Flower
Pholistoma auritum
Native Annual

Image of Fire Heart, Bleeding Heart  - Ehrendorferia ochroleuca
Fire Heart, Bleeding Heart
Ehrendorferia ochroleuca
Native Perennial

Image of Fire Poppy  - Papaver californicum
Fire Poppy
Papaver californicum
Endemic Annual

Image of Flowering Ash  - Fraxinus dipetala
Flowering Ash
Fraxinus dipetala
Native Shrub or Tree

Image of Foothill Penstemon  - Penstemon heterophyllus
Foothill Penstemon
Penstemon heterophyllus
Endemic Perennial

Image of Fringed Indian Pink  - Silene laciniata
Fringed Indian Pink
Silene laciniata
Native Perennial

Image of Fringed Linanthus  - Linanthus dianthiflorus
Fringed Linanthus
Linanthus dianthiflorus
Native Annual

Image of Fuchsia-Flowered Gooseberry  - Ribes speciosum
Fuchsia-Flowered Gooseberry
Ribes speciosum
Native Shrub

Image of Giant Coreopsis  - Coreopsis gigantea
Giant Coreopsis
Coreopsis gigantea
Endemic Perennial

Image of Globe Gilia  - Gilia capitata
Globe Gilia
Gilia capitata
Native Annual

Image of Globe Lily  - Calochortus albus
Globe Lily
Calochortus albus
Native Perennial

Image of Golden Currant  - Ribes aureum
Golden Currant
Ribes aureum
Native Shrub

Image of Golden Star  - Bloomeria crocea
Golden Star
Bloomeria crocea
Native Perennial

Image of Golden Yarrow  - Eriophyllum confertiflorum
Golden Yarrow
Eriophyllum confertiflorum
Native Shrub

Image of Greenbark Ceanothus  - Ceanothus spinosus
Greenbark Ceanothus
Ceanothus spinosus
Native Shrub or Tree

Image of Gum Plant  - Grindelia camporum
Gum Plant
Grindelia camporum
Native Perennial

Image of Hairy Leaved Ceanothus  - Ceanothus oliganthus
Hairy Leaved Ceanothus
Ceanothus oliganthus
Endemic Shrub or Tree

Image of Heart Leaved Penstemon  - Keckiella cordifolia
Heart Leaved Penstemon
Keckiella cordifolia
Native Perennial

Image of Hedge Nettle  - Stachys bullata
Hedge Nettle
Stachys bullata
Native Perennial

Image of Hillside Gooseberry  - Ribes californicum
Hillside Gooseberry
Ribes californicum
Endemic Shrub

Image of Hoary Leaved Ceanothus  - Ceanothus crassifolius
Hoary Leaved Ceanothus
Ceanothus crassifolius
Native Shrub or Tree

Image of Holly Leaf Red Berry  - Rhamnus ilicifolia
Holly Leaf Red Berry
Rhamnus ilicifolia
Native Shrub

Image of Holly-Leaved Cherry  - Prunus ilicifolia
Holly-Leaved Cherry
Prunus ilicifolia
Native Perennial Shrub

Image of Humboldt Lily  - Lilium humboldtii
Humboldt Lily
Lilium humboldtii
Native Perennial

Image of Indian Paintbrush  - Castilleja affinis
Indian Paintbrush
Castilleja affinis
Native Perennial

Image of Indian Warrior  - Pedicularis densiflora
Indian Warrior
Pedicularis densiflora
Native Perennial

Image of Johnny-jump-up  - Viola pedunculata
Viola pedunculata
Native Perennial

Image of Large-Flowered Phacelia  - Phacelia grandiflora
Large-Flowered Phacelia
Phacelia grandiflora
Native Annual

Image of Leather Root  - Hoita macrostachya
Leather Root
Hoita macrostachya
Native Perennial

Image of Lemonade Berry  - Rhus integrifolia
Lemonade Berry
Rhus integrifolia
Native Shrub Tree

Image of Lupine  - Lupinus Species
Lupinus Species
Native Annual Perennial

Image of Lyons Pentachaeta  - Pentachaeta lyonii
Lyons Pentachaeta
Pentachaeta lyonii
Endemic Annual

Image of Mariposa Lily  - Calochortus species
Mariposa Lily
Calochortus species
Endemic Perennial

Image of Matilija Poppy  - Romneya coulteri
Matilija Poppy
Romneya coulteri
Endemic Perennial

Image of Milkmaids  - Cardamine californica
Cardamine californica
Native Perennial

Image of Milkwort  - Polygala cornuta
Polygala cornuta
Native Shrub

Image of Miners Lettuce  - Claytonia perfoliata
Miners Lettuce
Claytonia perfoliata
Native Annual

Image of Morning Glory  - Calystegia macrostegia
Morning Glory
Calystegia macrostegia
Native Perennial or Vine
Convolvulaceae/Morning Glory

Image of Mountain Mahogany  - Cercocarpus betuloides
Mountain Mahogany
Cercocarpus betuloides
Native Shrub

Image of Mugwort  - Artemisia douglasiana
Artemisia douglasiana
Native Perennial

Image of Mule Fat  - Baccharis salicifolia
Mule Fat
Baccharis salicifolia
Native Shrub

Image of Mustard Evening Primrose  - Eulobus californicus
Mustard Evening Primrose
Eulobus californicus
Native Annual
Onagraceae/Evening Primrose

Image of Narrow Leaved Milkweed  - Asclepias fascicularis
Narrow Leaved Milkweed
Asclepias fascicularis
Endemic Perennial

Image of Notable Penstemon  - Penstemon spectabilis
Notable Penstemon
Penstemon spectabilis
Native Perennial

Image of Owl’s Clover  - Castilleja exserta
Owl’s Clover
Castilleja exserta
Native Annual

Image of Parry’s Phacelia  - Phacelia parryi
Parry’s Phacelia
Phacelia parryi
Native Annual

Image of Peak Rush Rose  - Crocanthemum scoparium
Peak Rush Rose
Crocanthemum scoparium
Native Shrub
Cistaceae/Rock Rose

Image of Peninsular Onion  - Allium peninsulare
Peninsular Onion
Allium peninsulare
Native Perennial

Image of Perezia, Sacapellote  - Acourtia microcephala
Perezia, Sacapellote
Acourtia microcephala
Native Perennial

Image of Pin Cushion  - Chaenactis artemisiifolia
Pin Cushion
Chaenactis artemisiifolia
Native Annual

Image of Pitcher Sage  - Lepechinia fragrans
Pitcher Sage
Lepechinia fragrans
Native Shrub

Image of Poison Oak  - Toxicodendron diversilobum
Poison Oak
Toxicodendron diversilobum
Native Perennial Vine

Image of Prickly Pear  - Opuntia oricola
Prickly Pear
Opuntia oricola
Native Perennial

Image of Prickly Phlox  - Linanthus californicus
Prickly Phlox
Linanthus californicus
Native Perennial

Image of Prickly Popcorn Flower  - Cryptantha muricata
Prickly Popcorn Flower
Cryptantha muricata
Native Annual

Image of Prickly Poppy  - Argemone munita
Prickly Poppy
Argemone munita
Native Perennial Annual

Image of Purple Nightshade  - Solanum xanti
Purple Nightshade
Solanum xanti
Native Shrub

Image of Purple Sage  - Salvia leucophylla
Purple Sage
Salvia leucophylla
Native Shrub

Image of Rattlesnake Weed  - Euphorbia albomarginata
Rattlesnake Weed
Euphorbia albomarginata
Native Perennial

Image of Red Maids  - Calandrinia menziesii
Red Maids
Calandrinia menziesii
Native Annual

Image of Red Shank  - Adenostoma sparsifolium
Red Shank
Adenostoma sparsifolium
Native Shrub or Tree

Image of Red Skinned Onion  - Allium haematochiton
Red Skinned Onion
Allium haematochiton
Native Perennial

Image of Red-Stem Filaree  - Erodium cicutarium
Red-Stem Filaree
Erodium cicutarium
Invasive Annual

Image of Rock Daisy  - Perityle emoryi
Rock Daisy
Perityle emoryi
Native Annual

Image of Rose Snapdragon  - Antirrhinum multiflorum
Rose Snapdragon
Antirrhinum multiflorum
Endemic Annual

Image of Royal Goldfields  - Lasthenia coronaria
Royal Goldfields
Lasthenia coronaria
Native Annual

Image of Sagebrush  - Artemisia californica
Artemisia californica
Native Perennial

Image of San Diego Milk-aster  - Stephanomeria diegensis
San Diego Milk-aster
Stephanomeria diegensis
Native Annual

Image of Sand Verbena  - Abronia maritima
Sand Verbena
Abronia maritima
Native Perennial
Nyctaginaceae/Four O'Clock

Image of Sawtooth Goldenbush  - Hazardia squarrosa
Sawtooth Goldenbush
Hazardia squarrosa
Native Perennial

Image of Scale Broom  - Lepidospartum squamatum
Scale Broom
Lepidospartum squamatum
Native Perennial

Image of Scarlet Bugler  - Penstemon centranthifolius
Scarlet Bugler
Penstemon centranthifolius
Native Perennial

Image of Scarlet Larkspur  - Delphinium cardinale
Scarlet Larkspur
Delphinium cardinale
Native Perennial

Image of Scarlet Monkey Flower  - Erythranthe cardinalis
Scarlet Monkey Flower
Erythranthe cardinalis
Native Perennial

Image of Scrub Oak  - Quercus berberidifolia
Scrub Oak
Quercus berberidifolia
Native Shrub or Tree

Image of Shooting Star  - Primula clevelandii
Shooting Star
Primula clevelandii
Native Perennial

Image of Silk Tassel Bush  - Garrya veatchii
Silk Tassel Bush
Garrya veatchii
Native Shrub or Tree
Garryaceae/Silk Tassel

Image of Skull Caps  - Scutellaria tuberosa
Skull Caps
Scutellaria tuberosa
Native Perennial

Image of Slender Sunflower  - Helianthus gracilentus
Slender Sunflower
Helianthus gracilentus
Native Perennial

Image of Slender Tarweed  - Deinandra fasciculata
Slender Tarweed
Deinandra fasciculata
Native Annual

Image of Slimy Monkey Flower  - Erythranthe floribunda
Slimy Monkey Flower
Erythranthe floribunda
Native Annual

Image of Snowberry  - Symphoricarpos mollis
Symphoricarpos mollis
Native Perennial

Image of Soap Plant  - Chlorogalum pomeridianum
Soap Plant
Chlorogalum pomeridianum
Native Perennial

Image of Southern Tauschia  - Tauschia arguta
Southern Tauschia
Tauschia arguta
Native Perennial

Image of Speckled Clarkia  - Clarkia cylindrica
Speckled Clarkia
Clarkia cylindrica
Native Annual
Onagraceae/Evening Primrose

Image of Star Lily  - Toxicoscordion fremontii
Star Lily
Toxicoscordion fremontii
Native Perennial

Image of Stick Leaf, San Luis Blazingstar  - Mentzelia micrantha
Stick Leaf, San Luis Blazingstar
Mentzelia micrantha
Native Annual

Image of Sticky Cinquefoil  - Drymocallis glandulosa
Sticky Cinquefoil
Drymocallis glandulosa
Native Perennial

Image of Sticky Gilia, Stinky Gilia  - Allophylum glutinosum
Sticky Gilia, Stinky Gilia
Allophylum glutinosum
Native Annual

Image of Sticky Monkey Flower  - Diplacus longiflorus
Sticky Monkey Flower
Diplacus longiflorus
Native Perennial

Image of Sticky Phacelia  - Phacelia viscida
Sticky Phacelia
Phacelia viscida
Native Annual

Image of Stream Orchid  - Epipactis gigantea
Stream Orchid
Epipactis gigantea
Native Perennial

Image of Sugar Bush  - Rhus ovata
Sugar Bush
Rhus ovata
Native Shrub

Image of Sumac  - Malosma laurina
Malosma laurina
Native Perennial

Image of Sycamore  - Platanus racemosa
Platanus racemosa
Native Tree

Image of Tejon Milk-Aster  - Stephanomeria cichoriacea
Tejon Milk-Aster
Stephanomeria cichoriacea
Native Perennial

Image of Telegraph Weed  - Heterotheca grandiflora
Telegraph Weed
Heterotheca grandiflora
Native Annual

Image of Tidy Tips  - Layia platyglossa
Tidy Tips
Layia platyglossa
Native Annual

Image of Toyon  - Heteromeles arbutifolia
Heteromeles arbutifolia
Native Shrub Tree

Image of Tree Tobacco  - Nicotiana glauca
Tree Tobacco
Nicotiana glauca
Invasive Shrub Tree

Image of Turkey Mullein  - Croton  setiger
Turkey Mullein
Croton setiger
Native Annual

Image of Turkish Rugging  - Chorizanthe staticoides
Turkish Rugging
Chorizanthe staticoides
Native Annual

Image of Twining Snapdragon  - Antirrhinum kelloggii
Twining Snapdragon
Antirrhinum kelloggii
Native Annual or Vine

Image of Two Tone Everlasting  - Pseudognaphalium biolettii
Two Tone Everlasting
Pseudognaphalium biolettii
Native Perennial

Image of Valley Oak  - Quercus lobata
Valley Oak
Quercus lobata
Native Tree

Image of Variable Linanthus  - Leptosiphon parviflorus
Variable Linanthus
Leptosiphon parviflorus
Native Annual

Image of Vinegar Weed  - Trichostema lanceolatum
Vinegar Weed
Trichostema lanceolatum
Native Annual

Image of Violet Snapdragon  - Antirrhinum nuttallianum
Violet Snapdragon
Antirrhinum nuttallianum
Native Annual

Image of Virgin's Bower  - Clematis lasiantha
Virgin's Bower
Clematis lasiantha
Endemic Perennial Vine

Image of Wand Buckwheat  - Eriogonum elongatum
Wand Buckwheat
Eriogonum elongatum
Native Perennial

Image of Western Virgins Bower  - Clematis ligusticifolia
Western Virgins Bower
Clematis ligusticifolia
Native Perennial Vine

Image of Western Wallflower  - Erysimum capitatum
Western Wallflower
Erysimum capitatum
Native Perennial

Image of Whispering Bells  - Emmenanthe penduliflora
Whispering Bells
Emmenanthe penduliflora
Native Annual

Image of White Chaparral Currant  - Ribes indecorum
White Chaparral Currant
Ribes indecorum
Native Perennial

Image of White Hedge Nettle  - Stachys albens
White Hedge Nettle
Stachys albens
Endemic Perennial

Image of White Sage  - Salvia apiana
White Sage
Salvia apiana
Native Shrub

Image of White Snapdragon  - Antirrhinum coulterianum
White Snapdragon
Antirrhinum coulterianum
Native Annual

Image of Wild Cucumber  - Marah macrocarpus
Wild Cucumber
Marah macrocarpus
Native Perennial Vine

Image of Wild Heliotrope  - Heliotropium curassavicum
Wild Heliotrope
Heliotropium curassavicum
Native Perennial

Image of Wild Peony  - Paeonia californica
Wild Peony
Paeonia californica
Endemic Perennial

Image of Wild Rose  - Rosa californica
Wild Rose
Rosa californica
Native Shrub

Image of Wild Sweet Pea  - Lathyrus vestitus
Wild Sweet Pea
Lathyrus vestitus
Native Perennial Vine

Image of Wild radish  - Raphanus sativus
Wild radish
Raphanus sativus
Invasive Annual

Image of Willow Herb Clarkia  - Clarkia epilobioides
Willow Herb Clarkia
Clarkia epilobioides
Native Annual
Onagraceae/Evening Primrose

Image of Wind Poppy  - Papaver heterophyllum
Wind Poppy
Papaver heterophyllum
Native Annual

Image of Wine Cup Clarkia  - Clarkia purpurea
Wine Cup Clarkia
Clarkia purpurea
Native Annual
Onagraceae/Evening Primrose

Image of Wishbone Bush  - Mirabilis laevis
Wishbone Bush
Mirabilis laevis
Native Perennial
Nyctaginaceae/Four O'Clock

Image of Woodland Star  - Lithopragma affine
Woodland Star
Lithopragma affine
Native Perennial

Image of Woolly Blue Curls  - Trichostema lanatum
Woolly Blue Curls
Trichostema lanatum
Native Perennial

Image of Wooly Sapphire  - Eriastrum sapphirinum
Wooly Sapphire
Eriastrum sapphirinum
Native Annual

Image of Yellow Monkey Flower  - Diplacus brevipes
Yellow Monkey Flower
Diplacus brevipes
Native Annual

Image of Yellow Throated Phacelia  - Phacelia brachyloba
Yellow Throated Phacelia
Phacelia brachyloba
Native Annual

Image of Yerba Mansa  - Anemopsis californica
Yerba Mansa
Anemopsis californica
Native Perennial
Saururaceae/Lizard Tail

Image of Yerba Santa  - Eriodichtyon crassifolium
Yerba Santa
Eriodichtyon crassifolium
Native Shrub

Image of Yucca  - Hesperoyucca whipplei
Hesperoyucca whipplei
Native Perennial

Image Common Name Botanical Name Family Name Common Family Name Details
Angels GiliaGilia angelensis PolemoniaceaePhloxNative, Common, Annual herb, typically blooms from February to April, Oak Woodland
FebruaryMarchApril 201603
Annual CoreopsisLeptosyne bigelovii AsteraceaeSunflowerEndemic, Common, Annual herb, typically blooms from February to June, Oak Woodland
FebruaryMarchAprilMayJune 201707
Ashy Leaved BuckwheatEriogonum cinereum PolygonaceaeBuckwheatNative, Common, Shrub woody, typically blooms from June to October, coastal scrub and chaparral
JuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctober 202207
Baby Blue EyesNemophila menziesii BoraginaceaeBorageNative, Uncommon, Annual herb, typically blooms from February to June, shady canyon slopes, meadows
FebruaryMarchAprilMayJune 201910
Basket BrushRhus aromatica AnacardiaceaeSumacNative, , Shrub , typically blooms from February to April, chaparral, grassland
FebruaryMarchApril 202406
Beach Evening PrimroseCamissoniopsis cheiranthifolia OnagraceaeEvening PrimroseNative, Common, Perennial , typically blooms from March to July, Coastal Strand
MarchAprilMayJuneJuly 201711
Bee PlantScrophularia californica ScrophulariaceaeFigwortNative, Uncommon, Perennial , typically blooms from April to July, sage, chaparral
AprilMayJuneJuly 201902
Big Pod CeanothusCeanothus megacarpus RhamnaceaeBuckthornEndemic, Common, Shrub or Tree , typically blooms from January to March, Chaparral
JanuaryFebruaryMarch 202311
Bigberry ManzanitaArctostaphylos glauca EricaceaeHeathNative, Common, Shrub , typically blooms from December to March, woodland chapparal - northern slopes
DecemberJanuaryFebruaryMarch 202304
Birds BeakCordylanthus rigidus OrobanchaceaeBroomrapeNative, Common, Annual herb, typically blooms from May to August, open chaparral, coastal sage
MayJuneJulyAugust 202201
Black SageSalvia mellifera LamiaceaeMintNative, Common, Shrub , typically blooms from April to July, Coastal Sage
AprilMayJuneJuly 201611
BladderpodPeritome arborea CleomaceaeSpider FlowerNative, Common, Shrub , typically blooms from January to December, Coastal Bluffs, hillsides, oak woodlands
JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberAlways 200911
Blue DicksDipterostemon capitatus ThemidaceaeBrodiaeaNative, Common, Perennial , typically blooms from December to May, Grasslands, Sage Scrub, open places in Chaparral
DecemberJanuaryFebruaryMarch 200904
Blue LarkspurDelphinium parryi RanunculaceaeButtercupNative, Common, Perennial , typically blooms from March to May, Grasslands, edges or open spaces of Chaparral and Oak Woodland
MarchAprilMay 201107
Blue-Eyed GrassSisyrinchium bellum IridaceaeIrisNative, Common, Perennial , typically blooms from March to June, Grasslands, Coastal Scrub or Woodlands
MarchAprilMayJune 201004
BrodiaeaBrodiaea terrestris ThemidaceaeBrodiaeaNative, Uncommon, Perennial , typically blooms from May to June, clay soils, grassy meadows
MayJune 202211
Buck BrushCeanothus cuneatus RhamnaceaeBuckthornNative, , Shrub or Tree woody, typically blooms from February to May, chaparral
FebruaryMarchAprilMay 202405
Bush MallowMalacothamnus fasciculatus MalvaceaeMallowNative, Common, Shrub , typically blooms from January to December, Chaparral, Coastal Sage Scrub, disturbed soil
JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberAlways 201010
Bush Poppy, Tree PoppyDendromecon rigida PapaveraceaePoppyNative, Uncommon, Perennial , typically blooms from February to June, Chaparral
FebruaryMarchAprilMayJune 201803
Bush SunflowerEncelia californica AsteraceaeSunflowerNative, Common, Perennial , typically blooms from December to August, Chaparral and Coastal Sage Scrub
DecemberJanuaryFebruaryMarch 201006
CalabazillaCucurbita foetidissima CucurbitaceaeGourdNative, Common, Perennial Vine , typically blooms from June to August, Sandy soil
JuneJulyAugust 200707
California AsterCorethrogyne filaginifolia AsteraceaeSunflowerNative, Common, Perennial , typically blooms from May to November, chaparral, sage scrub, grasslands, oak woodlands
MayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovember 200711
California BrickellbushBrickellia californica AsteraceaeSunflowerNative, Common, Perennial , typically blooms from July to November, open chaparral, coastal sage
JulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovember 202203
California BuckwheatEriogonum fasciculatum PolygonaceaeBuckwheatNative, Common, Perennial , typically blooms from January to December, Chaparral, Coastal Sage Scrub, Desert Scrub
JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberAlways 200708
California ButtercupRanunculus californicus RanunculaceaeButtercupEndemic, Uncommon, Perennial , typically blooms from February to May, Chaparral, Oak Woodland
FebruaryMarchAprilMay 201712
California CoffeeberryFrangula californica RhamnaceaeBuckthornNative, Common, Shrub , typically blooms from May to July, Chaparral and coastal sage scrub
MayJuneJuly 202112
California DodderCuscuta californica ConvolvulaceaeMorning GloryNative, Common, Annual Vine herb, typically blooms from April to October, Chaparral
AprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctober 202107
California EverlastingPseudognaphalium californicum AsteraceaeSunflowerNative, Common, Perennial , typically blooms from January to July, sage scrub
JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJuly 202007
California FuchsiaEpilobium canum OnagraceaeEvening PrimroseNative, Common, Perennial , typically blooms from June to December, dry and/or rocky areas on slopes and in sage scrub
JuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember 200909
California GoldenrodSolidago velutina AsteraceaeSunflowerNative, Common, Perennial , typically blooms from July to November, coastal sage scrub, chaparral, oak woodlands
JulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovember 202209
California GoldfieldsLasthenia californica AsteraceaeSunflowerEndemic, Common, Annual herb, typically blooms from March to May, meadows, hillsides
MarchAprilMay 201605
California LaurelUmbellularia californica LauraceaeLaurelNative, Common, Shrub or Tree , typically blooms from November to March, riparian
NovemberDecemberJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugust 202108
California MilkweedAsclepias californica ApocynaceaeDogbaneNative, Common, Perennial , typically blooms from April to June, chaparral, open slopes
AprilMayJune 201911
California PlantainPlantago erecta PlantaginaceaePlantainNative, Common , Annual herb, typically blooms from March to April, Coastal Scrub, Open Areas
MarchApril 201908
California PoppyEschscholzia californica PapaveraceaePoppyEndemic, Common, Annual herb, typically blooms from February to September, meadows, coastal sage scrub, sandy riparian areas
FebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptember 201212
California SaxifrageMicranthes californica SaxifragaceaeSaxifrageEndemic, Uncommon, Perennial , typically blooms from February to April, Coastal Sage
FebruaryMarchApril 201704
California ThistleCirsium occidentale v californicum AsteraceaeSunflowerEndemic, Common, Perennial , typically blooms from April to August, Chaparral, Woodlands, Coastal Sage Scrub
AprilMayJuneJulyAugust 201007
California WalnutJuglans californica JuglandaceaeWalnutEndemic, Common, Shrub or Tree , typically blooms from February to April, Oak Woodland
FebruaryMarchApril 202105
CanchalaguaZeltnera venusta GentianaceaeGentianNative, Uncommon, Annual herb, typically blooms from May to August, open chaparral, coastal sage
MayJuneJulyAugust 202110
Canyon DodderCuscuta subinclusa ConvolvulaceaeMorning GloryNative, Common, Perennial Vine , typically blooms from March to October, Chaparral
MarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctober 202106
Canyon SunflowerVenegasia carpesioides AsteraceaeSunflowerNative, Common, Shrub , typically blooms from December to July, shady places in Oak Woodland, Sage Scrub and Chaparral
DecemberJanuaryFebruaryMarch 201206
Castor BeanRicinis communis EuphorbiaceaeSpurgeInvasive, Common, Shrub , typically blooms from January to December, Streambeds, roadsides, disturbed soil;
JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberAlways 200901
Catalina Mariposa LilyCalochortus catalinae LiliaceaeLilyEndemic, , Perennial , typically blooms from March to June, coastal, woodlands, chaparral
MarchAprilMayJune 202408
CeanothusCeanothus Species RhamnaceaeBuckthornNative, Common, Shrub , typically blooms from November to March, Chaparral, ridges, slopes, woodland, coastal scrub
NovemberDecemberJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugust 200603
Chalk Live-ForeverDudleya pulverulenta CrassulaceaeStonecropNative, Common, Perennial , typically blooms from June to August, Rocky cliffsides in chaparral and coastal sage scrub
JuneJulyAugust 200907
ChamiseAdenostoma fasciculatum RosaceaeRoseNative, Common, Shrub , typically blooms from February to September, dry slopes in Chaparral and Sage Scrub
FebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptember 201207
Chaparral CurrantRibes malvaceum GrossulariaceaeGooseberryNative, Common, Perennial , typically blooms from December to April, Oak Woodland
DecemberJanuaryFebruaryMarch 201502
Chaparral HoneysuckleLonicera subspicata CaprifoliaceaeHoneysuckleEndemic, Common, Shrub , typically blooms from April to August, Chaparral
AprilMayJuneJulyAugust 202111
Checker BloomSidalcea sparsifolia MalvaceaeMallowNative, Uncommon, Perennial , typically blooms from March to July, Coastal Sage
MarchAprilMayJuneJuly 201710
Chia, Golden ChiaSalvia columbariae LamiaceaeMintNative, Common, Annual herb, typically blooms from March to June, Coastal Sage, Chaparral
MarchAprilMayJune 201612
Chinese HousesColinsia heterophylla PlantaginaceaePlantainNative, Uncommon, Annual herb, typically blooms from February to May, Oak Woodland
FebruaryMarchAprilMay 201506
Chocolate LilyFritillaria biflora LiliaceaeLilyEndemic, Uncommon, Perennial , typically blooms from January to March, Heavy clay soil
JanuaryFebruaryMarch 201002
Cliff AsterMalacothrix saxatilis AsteraceaeSunflowerNative, Common, Perennial , typically blooms from January to December, coastal sage/or chaparral
JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberAlways 201409
Coast ChollaCylindropuntia prolifera CactaceaeCactusNative, Common, Shrub , typically blooms from April to June, dry slopes and grasslands at low elevations near the coast or in Sage Scrub
AprilMayJune 201201
Coastal Live OakQuercus agrifolia FagaceaeBeechNative, Common, Tree , typically blooms from February to May, open woodlands
FebruaryMarchAprilMay 202306
Cobweb ThistleCirsium occidentale AsteraceaeSunflowerNative, Uncommon, Perennial , typically blooms from March to July, Coastal sage
MarchAprilMayJuneJuly 202008
Coffee FernPellaea andromedifolia PteridaceaeBrakeNative, Common, Perennial , typically blooms from January to April, Chaparral and coastal sage scrub
JanuaryFebruaryMarchApril 202206
Collarless PoppyEschscholzia caespitosa PapaveraceaePoppyNative, Common, Annual herb, typically blooms from March to July, Coastal Sage
MarchAprilMayJuneJuly 202011
Common FiddleneckAmsinckia intermedia BoraginaceaeBorageNative, Common, Annual herb, typically blooms from February to May, grassy hillsides, burned areas
FebruaryMarchAprilMay 201301
Common SunflowerHelianthus annus AsteraceaeSunflowerNative, Common, Annual herb, typically blooms from January to December, fields, roadsides and trailsides
JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberAlways 201309
Common VervainVerbena lasiostachys VerbenaceaeVervainNative, Common, Perennial , typically blooms from December to August, open areas, dry or moist
DecemberJanuaryFebruaryMarch 201009
Common YarrowAchillea millefolium AsteraceaeSunflowerNative, Common, Perennial , typically blooms from March to June, Chaparral
MarchAprilMayJune 201807
CottonwoodPopulus fremontii SalicaceaeWillowNative, Common, Tree , typically blooms from January to March, lower streambeds in riparian woodlands
JanuaryFebruaryMarch 200811
Coyote BrushBaccharis pilularis AsteraceaeSunflowerNative, Common, Perennial , typically blooms from May to December, Sage Scrub, Oak Woodland, Chaparral and Grassland
MayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember 200910
Cream CupsPlatystemon californicus PapaveraceaePoppyNative, Uncommon, Annual herb, typically blooms from March to May, Open areas
MarchAprilMay 202005
Creek Monkey FlowerErythranthe guttata PhrymaceaeLopseedNative, Common, Annual herb, typically blooms from March to July, creeks, damp areas
MarchAprilMayJuneJuly 202004
Crimson Pitcher SageSalvia spathacea LamiaceaeMintNative, Common, Perennial , typically blooms from February to June, Lightly-shaded areas - Chaparral, Coastal Scrub
FebruaryMarchAprilMayJune 201003
DaturaDatura species SolanaceaeNightshadeNative, Common, Annual herb, typically blooms from March to November, full sun - roadsides, sandy or gravel
MarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovember 200809
DeerweedAcmispon glaber FabaceaeLegumeNative, Common, Perennial , typically blooms from January to August, Chaparral
JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugust 201011
Douglas NightshadeSolanum douglasii SolanaceaeNightshadeNative, Common, Perennial , typically blooms from February to October, Shady hillsides, canyons, coastal scrubland
FebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctober 202006
Downy Monkey FlowerErythranthe pilosus PhrymaceaeLopseedNative, Common, Annual herb, typically blooms from April to August, riparian
AprilMayJuneJulyAugust 202012
Eastwood ManzanitaArctostaphylos glandulosa EricaceaeHeathNative, Common, Shrub , typically blooms from November to February, Chaparral, rocky slopes and ridges
NovemberDecemberJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptember 200801
ElderberrySambucus nigra subsp. caerulea AdoxaceaeMuskrootNative, Common, Tree , typically blooms from April to August, woodlands, open areas and chaparral
AprilMayJuneJulyAugust 200808
Elegant ClarkiaClarkia unguiculata OnagraceaeEvening PrimroseNative, Common, Annual herb, typically blooms from April to July, Sun or shade in grasslands, woodlands, and chaparral
AprilMayJuneJuly 200906
EucryptaEucrypta chrysanthemifolia BoraginaceaeWaterleafNative, Common, Annual herb, typically blooms from January to June, woodland, sage scrub, chaparral
JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJune 200802
Farewell-to-SpringClarkia bottae OnagraceaeEvening PrimroseNative, Common, Annual herb, typically blooms from April to July, Coastal Sage, open slopes
AprilMayJuneJuly 202009
Fern-Leaf PhaceliaPhacelia distans BoraginaceaeBorageNative, Common, Annual herb, typically blooms from March to June, dry slopes in Oak Woodland and Coastal Sage
MarchAprilMayJune 201303
Fiesta FlowerPholistoma auritum BoraginaceaeWaterleafNative, Common, Annual herb, typically blooms from March to May, shady areas, common throughout most plant communities
MarchAprilMay 201105
Fire Heart, Bleeding HeartEhrendorferia ochroleuca PapaveraceaePoppyNative, Uncommon, Perennial , typically blooms from April to December, Chaparral, Oak Woodland
AprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember 201408
Fire PoppyPapaver californicum PapaveraceaePoppyEndemic, Uncommon, Annual herb, typically blooms from April to July, Chaparral
AprilMayJuneJuly 201804
Flowering AshFraxinus dipetala OleaceaeOliveNative, , Shrub or Tree , typically blooms from March to May, Woodland, Chaparral
MarchAprilMay 202409
Foothill PenstemonPenstemon heterophyllus PlantaginaceaePlantainEndemic, Uncommon, Perennial , typically blooms from April to July, dry hillsides in Oak Woodland and Chaparral
AprilMayJuneJuly 201205
Fringed Indian PinkSilene laciniata CaryophyllaceaePinkNative, Common, Perennial , typically blooms from April to July, shaded woodlands, sage scrub, chaparral
AprilMayJuneJuly 200806
Fringed LinanthusLinanthus dianthiflorus PolemoniaceaePhloxNative, Uncommon, Annual herb, typically blooms from January to March, Coastal Sage, Chaparral
JanuaryFebruaryMarch 201509
Fuchsia-Flowered GooseberryRibes speciosum GrossulariaceaeGooseberryNative, Common, Shrub , typically blooms from January to May, shaded canyons in Sage Scrub and Chaparral
JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMay 201304
Giant CoreopsisCoreopsis gigantea AsteraceaeSunflowerEndemic, Common, Perennial , typically blooms from November to June, Coastal areas, especially where fog is common
NovemberDecemberJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMay 200903
Globe GiliaGilia capitata PolemoniaceaePhloxNative, Uncommon, Annual herb, typically blooms from March to June, Chaparral
MarchAprilMayJune 201511
Globe LilyCalochortus albus LiliaceaeLilyNative, Uncommon, Perennial , typically blooms from April to June, Oak Woodland
AprilMayJune 201601
Golden CurrantRibes aureum GrossulariaceaeGooseberryNative, Common, Shrub , typically blooms from January to March, stream beds, meadows
JanuaryFebruaryMarch 202301
Golden StarBloomeria crocea ThemidaceaeBrodiaeaNative, Common, Perennial , typically blooms from April to June, Coastal Sage, Chaparral
AprilMayJune 201507
Golden YarrowEriophyllum confertiflorum AsteraceaeSunflowerNative, Common, Shrub , typically blooms from December to July, open places, dry slopes in Chaparral and Sage Scrub, rocky places at the base of cliffs
DecemberJanuaryFebruaryMarch 201209
Greenbark CeanothusCeanothus spinosus RhamnaceaeBuckthornNative, Common, Shrub or Tree , typically blooms from February to April, Chaparral
FebruaryMarchApril 202312
Gum PlantGrindelia camporum AsteraceaeSunflowerNative, Common, Perennial , typically blooms from May to September, open chaparral, coastal sage
MayJuneJulyAugustSeptember 202205
Hairy Leaved CeanothusCeanothus oliganthus RhamnaceaeBuckthornEndemic, Common, Shrub or Tree , typically blooms from February to April, chaparral
FebruaryMarchApril 202402
Heart Leaved PenstemonKeckiella cordifolia PlantaginaceaePlantainNative, Common, Perennial , typically blooms from March to August, Coastal Sage, Oak Woodlands
MarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugust 201705
Hedge NettleStachys bullata LamiaceaeMintNative, Common, Perennial , typically blooms from February to July, Chaparral, Woodlands, Sage Scrub
FebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJuly 201008
Hillside GooseberryRibes californicum GrossulariaceaeGooseberryEndemic, Common, Shrub , typically blooms from January to March, woodland chapparal - northern slopes
JanuaryFebruaryMarch 202303
Hoary Leaved CeanothusCeanothus crassifolius RhamnaceaeBuckthornNative, Common, Shrub or Tree , typically blooms from February to April, Chaparral
FebruaryMarchApril 202401
Holly Leaf Red BerryRhamnus ilicifolia RhamnaceaeBuckthornNative, Common, Shrub , typically blooms from February to April, coastal sage and chaparral
FebruaryMarchApril 202307
Holly-Leaved CherryPrunus ilicifolia RosaceaeRoseNative, Common, Perennial Shrub , typically blooms from November to June, Chaparral, canyons, moist and/or north-facing
NovemberDecemberJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMay 200810
Humboldt LilyLilium humboldtii LiliaceaeLilyNative, Uncommon, Perennial , typically blooms from May to July, Chaparral and Oak Woodland, near streams
MayJuneJuly 201106
Indian PaintbrushCastilleja affinis OrobanchaceaeBroomrapeNative, Common, Perennial , typically blooms from February to May, Coastal Sage Scrub, Grassland, Chaparral
FebruaryMarchAprilMay 201109
Indian WarriorPedicularis densiflora OrobanchaceaeBroomrapeNative, Uncommon, Perennial , typically blooms from February to April, Chaparral
FebruaryMarchApril 201101
Johnny-jump-upViola pedunculata ViolaceaeVioletNative, Uncommon, Perennial , typically blooms from January to May, open grassy areas in woodlands, chaparral, sage scrub
JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMay 201202
Large-Flowered PhaceliaPhacelia grandiflora BoraginaceaeBorageNative, Common, Annual herb, typically blooms from January to June, woodlands, chaparral, coastal sage scrub
JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJune 200703
Leather RootHoita macrostachya FabaceaeLegumeNative, Uncommon, Perennial , typically blooms from June to September, Chaparral, wetland riparian
JuneJulyAugustSeptember 201802
Lemonade BerryRhus integrifolia AnacardiaceaeSumacNative, Common, Shrub Tree , typically blooms from December to May, Chaparral, North Side
DecemberJanuaryFebruaryMarch 200608
LupineLupinus Species FabaceaeLegumeNative, Common, Annual Perennial , typically blooms from February to June, Chaparral, ridges, slopes, canyons, coastal scrub
FebruaryMarchAprilMayJune 200604
Lyons PentachaetaPentachaeta lyonii AsteraceaeSunflowerEndemic, Rare, Annual herb, typically blooms from May to August, Coastal Sage
MayJuneJulyAugust 201608
Mariposa LilyCalochortus species LiliaceaeLilyEndemic, Common, Perennial , typically blooms from February to June, grasslands, slopes, chaparral
FebruaryMarchAprilMayJune 200805
Matilija PoppyRomneya coulteri PapaveraceaePoppyEndemic, Uncommon, Perennial , typically blooms from April to June, Coastal Sage Scrub
AprilMayJune 201801
MilkmaidsCardamine californica BrassicaceaeMustardNative, Uncommon, Perennial , typically blooms from January to March, Shady, moist hillsides or stream banks in riparian areas
JanuaryFebruaryMarch 200902
MilkwortPolygala cornuta PolygalaceaMilkwortNative, Uncommon, Shrub , typically blooms from May to July, Riparian, Chaparral
MayJuneJuly 202404
Miners LettuceClaytonia perfoliata PortulacaceaePurslaneNative, Common, Annual herb, typically blooms from January to May, shady areas in chaparral, woodland, sage scrub
JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMay 200804
Morning GloryCalystegia macrostegia ConvolvulaceaeMorning GloryNative, Common, Perennial or Vine , typically blooms from March to August, Sage Scrub, Chaparral
MarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugust 201307
Mountain MahoganyCercocarpus betuloides RosaceaeRoseNative, Common, Shrub , typically blooms from February to May, Chaparral
FebruaryMarchAprilMay 201907
MugwortArtemisia douglasiana AsteraceaeSunflowerNative, Common, Perennial , typically blooms from July to November, Riparian Woodlands
JulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovember 201210
Mule FatBaccharis salicifolia AsteraceaeSunflowerNative, Common, Shrub , typically blooms from January to December, Riparian
JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberAlways 201110
Mustard Evening PrimroseEulobus californicus OnagraceaeEvening PrimroseNative, Common, Annual herb, typically blooms from March to May, Grassland, Chaparral, Coastal Sage Scrub, dry slopes
MarchAprilMay 201104
Narrow Leaved MilkweedAsclepias fascicularis ApocynaceaeDogbaneEndemic, Common, Perennial , typically blooms from May to September, Grasslands
MayJuneJulyAugustSeptember 201701
Notable PenstemonPenstemon spectabilis PlantaginaceaePlantainNative, Common, Perennial , typically blooms from April to June, Sage Chaparral
AprilMayJune 201808
Owl’s CloverCastilleja exserta OrobanchaceaeBroomrapeNative, Common, Annual herb, typically blooms from January to June, Grasslands and Coastal Sage Scrub
JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJune 201204
Parry’s PhaceliaPhacelia parryi BoraginaceaeBorageNative, Common, Annual herb, typically blooms from March to May, Chaparral, Coastal Sage Scrub
MarchAprilMay 201103
Peak Rush RoseCrocanthemum scoparium CistaceaeRock RoseNative, Common, Shrub , typically blooms from March to July, Chaparral and coastal sage scrub
MarchAprilMayJuneJuly 202204
Peninsular OnionAllium peninsulare AlliaceaeOnionNative, Uncommon, Perennial , typically blooms from April to May, Coastal Sage
AprilMay 201708
Perezia, SacapelloteAcourtia microcephala AsteraceaeSunflowerNative, Common, Perennial , typically blooms from May to July, Woodland and or Chaparral
MayJuneJuly 201407
Pin CushionChaenactis artemisiifolia AsteraceaeSunflowerNative, Common, Annual herb, typically blooms from March to June, coastal scrub and chaparral
MarchAprilMayJune 202210
Pitcher SageLepechinia fragrans LamiaceaeMintNative, Common, Shrub , typically blooms from April to July, Chaparral
AprilMayJuneJuly 201805
Poison OakToxicodendron diversilobum AnacardiaceaeSumacNative, Common, Perennial Vine , typically blooms from February to June, oak woodland
FebruaryMarchAprilMayJune 200612
Prickly PearOpuntia oricola CactaceaeCactusNative, Common, Perennial , typically blooms from May to August, low elevation chaparral and coastal sage scrub
MayJuneJulyAugust 200908
Prickly PhloxLinanthus californicus PolemoniaceaePhloxNative, Common, Perennial , typically blooms from March to June, Chaparral
MarchAprilMayJune 201510
Prickly Popcorn FlowerCryptantha muricata BoraginaceaeBorageNative, Common, Annual herb, typically blooms from January to June, open areas on rocky slopes
JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJune 201203
Prickly PoppyArgemone munita PapaveraceaePoppyNative, Uncommon, Perennial Annual , typically blooms from April to July, dry, sandy soil or gravel
AprilMayJuneJuly 200705
Purple NightshadeSolanum xanti SolanaceaeNightshadeNative, Common, Shrub , typically blooms from December to June, Sage, chapparal
DecemberJanuaryFebruaryMarch 200601
Purple SageSalvia leucophylla LamiaceaeMintNative, Common, Shrub , typically blooms from February to August, Coastal Sage
FebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugust 201610
Rattlesnake WeedEuphorbia albomarginata EuphorbiaceaeSpurgeNative, Common, Perennial , typically blooms from April to November, dry slopes and fields
AprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovember 201211
Red MaidsCalandrinia menziesii PortulacaceaePurslaneNative, Uncommon, Annual herb, typically blooms from February to June, grassy areas and woodland edges
FebruaryMarchAprilMayJune 201311
Red ShankAdenostoma sparsifolium RosaceaeRoseNative, Uncommon, Shrub or Tree , typically blooms from June to September, dry slopes in rain shadow of coastal slopes
JuneJulyAugustSeptember 201111
Red Skinned OnionAllium haematochiton AlliaceaeOnionNative, Common, Perennial , typically blooms from March to May, hillsides near water
MarchAprilMay 201310
Red-Stem FilareeErodium cicutarium GeraniaceaeGeraniumInvasive, Common, Annual herb, typically blooms from November to June, open or grassy areas in dry, disturbed and/or sand
NovemberDecemberJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMay 200912
Rock DaisyPerityle emoryi AsteraceaeSunflowerNative, Uncommon, Annual herb, typically blooms from March to October, Coastal Sage
MarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctober 201505
Rose SnapdragonAntirrhinum multiflorum PlantaginaceaePlantainEndemic, Uncommon, Annual herb, typically blooms from May to July, Chaparal
MayJuneJuly 201901
Royal GoldfieldsLasthenia coronaria AsteraceaeSunflowerNative, Uncommon, Annual herb, typically blooms from March to May, open areas, hillsides
MarchAprilMay 201607
SagebrushArtemisia californica AsteraceaeSunflowerNative, Common, Perennial , typically blooms from September to December, Coastal Sage
SeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember 201811
San Diego Milk-asterStephanomeria diegensis AsteraceaeSunflowerNative, Common, Annual herb, typically blooms from July to December, Chaparral, Coastal Scrub
JulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember 201406
Sand VerbenaAbronia maritima NyctaginaceaeFour O'ClockNative, Common, Perennial , typically blooms from February to October, coastal dunes
FebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctober 202102
Sawtooth GoldenbushHazardia squarrosa AsteraceaeSunflowerNative, Common, Perennial , typically blooms from June to October, Chaparral, Coastal Sage Scrub
JuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctober 202104
Scale BroomLepidospartum squamatum AsteraceaeSunflowerNative, Common, Perennial , typically blooms from August to November, Chaparral, Coastal Sage Scrub
AugustSeptemberOctoberNovember 202103
Scarlet BuglerPenstemon centranthifolius PlantaginaceaePlantainNative, Common, Perennial , typically blooms from February to June, Sage Chaparral Oak Woodland
FebruaryMarchAprilMayJune 201809
Scarlet LarkspurDelphinium cardinale RanunculaceaeButtercupNative, Common, Perennial , typically blooms from May to August, chaparral and sage scrub
MayJuneJulyAugust 200807
Scarlet Monkey FlowerErythranthe cardinalis PhrymaceaeLopseedNative, Common, Perennial , typically blooms from May to September, wet areas along creeks, seeps
MayJuneJulyAugustSeptember 202002
Scrub OakQuercus berberidifolia FagaceaeBeechNative, Common, Shrub or Tree , typically blooms from March to May, Coastal Sage
MarchAprilMay 202308
Shooting StarPrimula clevelandii PrimulaceaePrimroseNative, Common, Perennial , typically blooms from December to March, Open grassy areas
DecemberJanuaryFebruaryMarch 200803
Silk Tassel BushGarrya veatchii GarryaceaeSilk TasselNative, uncommon, Shrub or Tree , typically blooms from November to January, chaparral
NovemberDecemberJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberAlways 202407
Skull CapsScutellaria tuberosa LamiaceaeMintNative, Uncommon, Perennial , typically blooms from February to May, Chaparral
FebruaryMarchAprilMay 201812
Slender SunflowerHelianthus gracilentus AsteraceaeSunflowerNative, Common, Perennial , typically blooms from May to October, Chaparral, fields, dry slopes, roadsides
MayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctober 201308
Slender TarweedDeinandra fasciculata AsteraceaeSunflowerNative, Common, Annual herb, typically blooms from May to August, Grasslands, Chaparral
MayJuneJulyAugust 201806
Slimy Monkey FlowerErythranthe floribunda PhrymaceaeLopseedNative, Common, Annual herb, typically blooms from May to September, Riparian
MayJuneJulyAugustSeptember 202101
SnowberrySymphoricarpos mollis CaprifoliaceaeHoneysuckleNative, Common, Perennial , typically blooms from March to May, Chaparral
MarchAprilMay 202109
Soap PlantChlorogalum pomeridianum AgavaceaeAgaveNative, Common, Perennial , typically blooms from May to June, coastal sage, dry grassland
MayJune 201410
Southern TauschiaTauschia arguta ApiaceaeCarrotNative, Common, Perennial , typically blooms from February to June, dry slopes in Sage Scrub, Woodlands and Chaparral
FebruaryMarchAprilMayJune 201302
Speckled ClarkiaClarkia cylindrica OnagraceaeEvening PrimroseNative, Common, Annual herb, typically blooms from April to July, Chaparral, slopes, coastal sage, woodlands, grassl
AprilMayJuneJuly 200706
Star LilyToxicoscordion fremontii MelanthiaceaeDeathcamasusNative, Uncommon, Perennial , typically blooms from February to June, Coastal Sage
FebruaryMarchAprilMayJune 201504
Stick Leaf, San Luis BlazingstarMentzelia micrantha LoasaceaeLoasaceaeNative, Uncommon, Annual herb, typically blooms from March to June, Coastal Sage
MarchAprilMayJune 201604
Sticky CinquefoilDrymocallis glandulosa RosaceaeRoseNative, Uncommon, Perennial , typically blooms from April to July, Oak Woodland
AprilMayJuneJuly 201411
Sticky Gilia, Stinky GiliaAllophylum glutinosum PolemoniaceaePhloxNative, Uncommon, Annual herb, typically blooms from February to August, Coastal Sage
FebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugust 201602
Sticky Monkey FlowerDiplacus longiflorus PhrymaceaeLopseedNative, Common, Perennial , typically blooms from March to August, Chaparral
MarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugust 202001
Sticky PhaceliaPhacelia viscida BoraginaceaeBorageNative, Uncommon, Annual , typically blooms from March to June, Coastal sage scrub and chaparral
MarchAprilMayJune 202309
Stream OrchidEpipactis gigantea OrchidaceaeOrchidNative, Uncommon, Perennial , typically blooms from April to July, Riparian
AprilMayJuneJuly 201512
Sugar BushRhus ovata AnacardiaceaeSumacNative, Common, Shrub , typically blooms from March to June, Chaparral - South facing slopes
MarchAprilMayJune 201606
SumacMalosma laurina AnacardiaceaeSumacNative, Common, Perennial , typically blooms from June to August, Chaparral
JuneJulyAugust 201112
SycamorePlatanus racemosa PlatanaceaeSycamoreNative, Common, Tree , typically blooms from February to April, stream beds
FebruaryMarchApril 200611
Tejon Milk-AsterStephanomeria cichoriacea AsteraceaeSunflowerNative, Common, Perennial , typically blooms from July to October, Chaparral, Coastal Sage
JulyAugustSeptemberOctober 201501
Telegraph WeedHeterotheca grandiflora AsteraceaeSunflowerNative, Common, Annual herb, typically blooms from January to December, sand, disturbed soils
JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberAlways 201905
Tidy TipsLayia platyglossa AsteraceaeSunflowerNative, Uncommon, Annual , typically blooms from March to June, grasslands
MarchAprilMayJune 202403
ToyonHeteromeles arbutifolia RosaceaeRoseNative, Common, Shrub Tree , typically blooms from May to July, Chaparral, ridges, slopes, woodland, coastal scrub
MayJuneJuly 200512
Tree TobaccoNicotiana glauca SolanaceaeNightshadeInvasive, Common, Shrub Tree , typically blooms from January to December, streambeds and disturbed soils
JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberAlways 200701
Turkey MulleinCroton setiger EuphorbiaceaeSpurgeNative, Common, Annual herb, typically blooms from April to November, Common in open, sandy disturbed places
AprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovember 200710
Turkish RuggingChorizanthe staticoides PolygonaceaeBuckwheatNative, Common, Annual herb, typically blooms from April to July, grassy slopes, dry and sandy places in Chaparral
AprilMayJuneJuly 201306
Twining SnapdragonAntirrhinum kelloggii PlantaginaceaePlantainNative, Common, Annual or Vine herb, typically blooms from January to May, Coastal Sage Scrub and dry areas in the Chaparral
JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMay 200905
Two Tone EverlastingPseudognaphalium biolettii AsteraceaeSunflowerNative, Common, Perennial , typically blooms from January to May, coastal scrub and chaparral
JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMay 202212
Valley OakQuercus lobata FagaceaeBeechNative, Common, Tree , typically blooms from March to May, open woodlands, riparian forests, valley savannas
MarchAprilMay 202305
Variable LinanthusLeptosiphon parviflorus PolemoniaceaePhloxNative, Uncommon, Annual herb, typically blooms from March to May, Coastal Sage
MarchAprilMay 201706
Vinegar WeedTrichostema lanceolatum LamiaceaeMintNative, Common, Annual herb, typically blooms from June to November, dry, sunny fields or low hills
JuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovember 200609
Violet SnapdragonAntirrhinum nuttallianum PlantaginaceaePlantainNative, Uncommon, Annual herb, typically blooms from March to June, Grassy slopes and canyons
MarchAprilMayJune 201912
Virgin's BowerClematis lasiantha RanunculaceaeButtercupEndemic, Common, Perennial Vine , typically blooms from January to May, Canyons and Chaparral, open places in Woodlands
JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMay 201005
Wand BuckwheatEriogonum elongatum PolygonaceaeBuckwheatNative, Common, Perennial , typically blooms from July to November, coastal scrub and chaparral
JulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovember 202208
Western Virgins BowerClematis ligusticifolia RanunculaceaeButtercupNative, Common, Perennial Vine , typically blooms from June to September, riparian
JuneJulyAugustSeptember 202202
Western WallflowerErysimum capitatum BrassicaceaeMustardNative, Common, Perennial , typically blooms from January to June, Openings in Chaparral
JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJune 201909
Whispering BellsEmmenanthe penduliflora BoraginaceaeBorageNative, Uncommon, Annual herb, typically blooms from February to June, Chaparral, Coastal Sage
FebruaryMarchAprilMayJune 201412
White Chaparral CurrantRibes indecorum GrossulariaceaeGooseberryNative, Common, Perennial , typically blooms from November to February, coastal scrub and chaparral
NovemberDecemberJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptember 202302
White Hedge NettleStachys albens LamiaceaeMintEndemic, Common, Perennial , typically blooms from May to September, Grassands Coastal Sage
MayJuneJulyAugustSeptember 201810
White SageSalvia apiana LamiaceaeMintNative, Common, Shrub , typically blooms from April to July, Coastal Sage
AprilMayJuneJuly 201609
White SnapdragonAntirrhinum coulterianum PlantaginaceaePlantainNative, Uncommon, Annual herb, typically blooms from April to July, Sage, Chapparal
AprilMayJuneJuly 201903
Wild CucumberMarah macrocarpus CucurbitaceaeGourdNative, Common, Perennial Vine herb vine, typically blooms from November to April, woodlands, chaparral, coastal sage scrub
NovemberDecemberJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJuly 200704
Wild HeliotropeHeliotropium curassavicum BoraginaceaeBorageNative, Common, Perennial , typically blooms from April to November, Moist to Dry Saline Soils
AprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovember 201703
Wild PeonyPaeonia californica PaeoniaceaePeonyEndemic, Common, Perennial , typically blooms from December to May, Chaparral, meadows & ridges
DecemberJanuaryFebruaryMarch 200602
Wild RoseRosa californica RosaceaeRoseNative, Common, Shrub , typically blooms from March to September, moist places in many plant communities
MarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptember 201208
Wild Sweet PeaLathyrus vestitus FabaceaeLegumeNative, Common, Perennial Vine , typically blooms from March to August, Chaparral, Oak Woodlands
MarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugust 201503
Wild radishRaphanus sativus BrassicaceaeMustardInvasive, Common, Annual herb, typically blooms from December to May, fields, meadows, disturbed places
DecemberJanuaryFebruaryMarch 201001
Willow Herb ClarkiaClarkia epilobioides OnagraceaeEvening PrimroseNative, Common, Annual herb, typically blooms from April to May, Oak Woodland
AprilMay 201709
Wind PoppyPapaver heterophyllum PapaveraceaePoppyNative, Uncommon, Annual herb, typically blooms from April to May, Chaparral, grassy areas
AprilMay 201906
Wine Cup ClarkiaClarkia purpurea OnagraceaeEvening PrimroseNative, Common, Annual herb, typically blooms from March to June, Grassy Openings
MarchAprilMayJune 202010
Wishbone BushMirabilis laevis NyctaginaceaeFour O'ClockNative, Common, Perennial , typically blooms from November to May, Chaparral and Coastal Sage Scrub
NovemberDecemberJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJune 201012
Woodland StarLithopragma affine SaxifragaceaeSaxifrageNative, Common, Perennial , typically blooms from March to May, Grasslands, mountains
MarchAprilMay 201702
Woolly Blue CurlsTrichostema lanatum LamiaceaeMintNative, Common, Perennial , typically blooms from February to June, chaparral, coastal sage scrub
FebruaryMarchAprilMayJune 200607
Wooly SapphireEriastrum sapphirinum PolemoniaceaePhloxNative, Uncommon, Annual herb, typically blooms from April to July, Chaparral
AprilMayJuneJuly 201508
Yellow Monkey FlowerDiplacus brevipes PhrymaceaeLopseedNative, Common, Annual herb, typically blooms from April to July, Open Chaparral
AprilMayJuneJuly 202003
Yellow Throated PhaceliaPhacelia brachyloba BoraginaceaeBorageNative, Uncommon, Annual , typically blooms from March to June, coastal sage scrub and chaparral
MarchAprilMayJune 202310
Yerba MansaAnemopsis californica SaururaceaeLizard TailNative, Uncommon, Perennial , typically blooms from March to July, Moist soils
MarchAprilMayJuneJuly 201904
Yerba SantaEriodichtyon crassifolium BoraginaceaeWaterleafNative, Common, Shrub , typically blooms from January to June, Sandy, rocky areas in chaparral and sage scrub
JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJune 200812
YuccaHesperoyucca whipplei AgavaceaeAgaveNative, Common, Perennial , typically blooms from April to June, chaparral or coastal sage scrub
AprilMayJune 200606