Our Supporters

The SMMTC wishes to recognize and extend thanks to the following individuals and businesses for donating at least $250 in support to the Trails Council in cash, or in kind, in recent years:

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The Ranch at Malibu
Generous supporter! Luxury fitness retreats designed to promote weight loss, health and wellness.
Generous Trail Days supporter. Manufacturer of outdoor gear known for quality and obsessive design
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A generous supporter of trail days and manufacturer of some of the best gear & clothing.
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Island Packers
Generous supporter of our Santa Cruz Island Trail Maintenance efforts - Great people too!
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Carol Gravelle

Graphic Artist and Designer of our Logo. A full-service design studio serving local and national clients since 1992.
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WLV Garden Club
Monetary donation. Founded in 1969, the Westlake Village Garden Club is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.